Friday, April 22, 2011

TOP 5 - Top Five things GW could do to make WHFB sell better

Let's face it: WHFB 8th edition ain't perfect.  Nowhere close.  But, its a fun game, its the only game of its scale (28mm, large fantasy army battles) with its market penetration, and its got a great IP.  That said, its been losing market share for some time, playing 2nd fiddle to its cousin with 39,999 more warhammers and now to Warmachine.  How to stop this?  Here's five realistic things GW could do to get Fantasy back on track.


5.) Fix 8th edition's magic phase.  Given GWs recent willingness to release FAQs, fix the big spells (Dwellers Below, Purple Sun) that have inadvertainly become problems.  Make miscasts deadlier. Fix Teclis and the Book of Hoeth.  Fix Slaan (i.e. - tweak the "Now you get my miscast" item).  These are massive game breakers at a competitive level and even someone who wants to have "fun" with lots of magic quickly realizes a single level 4 mage with the right wargear can break the game.

4.) Set realistic price goals.  The world economy isn't doing so hot right now.  Releasing a game with a $75 core rule book (or cheaper rulebook that comes in a $100 boxset), $37.25 army rulebooks, and $29 core troops that customers ought to want to purchase in blocks of 30+ isn't a smart idea.  Its losing you money, both anecdotally and statistically. 

If you want players to play at 3000+ points, give them a bone.  How about $200 army deals for all armies that include troops, a hero choice, a plastic elite option, and a big rare (Steamtank, Dragon, etc etc)?  Sell at a reasonably discount (e.g. - 25% off what you'd pay if you bought each box) and market it as an army entry point (which the Battalions are doing a poor job pretend to be).

Why Don't You Love Me, GW?

3.) Put some play support into the Specialist Games that compliment your IP.  Bloodbowl's got a reasonably popular video game that uses the same IP as Warhammer Fantasty.  Why aren't you releasing "Hobby Articles" highlighting how to play?  Don't put money into new sculpts; but pay a design for 2+ hours of work to make BB's Living Rulebook look modern.   Pimp some of this to the fan community.  On that note...

2.) Stop Sueing the Fan Community.  Go after recasters.  Go after companies that are stepping on your IP (Chapterhouse, etc).  Don't sue forums for using the name "Blood Bowl" in their title.  You want to protect your IP?  Then license them a fan kit with a list of what they can and can't do.

1.) Learn how to Market using the Web.  A dev blog that exercises almost no brand discipline is not having a web presence.  Letting us know whats in the pipe two months before you release it, followed by actual previews the day of pre-order isn't working.

Get a forum and control it appropriately (see Privateer Press' forum of an example of how to do this).  Interact with fans via the Web.  Control your brand message actively, rather than passively releasing it and letting warseer/dakka dakka run with it.


SPAYZE MUHREENs will keep GW's doors open for a long time.  That said, Privateer and Mantic are really doing a number on their North American sales.  Moreover, GWs revamped all but 1 Space Marine line in the past 5 years...they're running out of easy wins.

What's it going to take to get GW to right their ship?  This, mayhaps?

I am Title Nineicus, Lord of The End Times!!!

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